Ubuntu fixparts
FixParts Tutorial by Rod Smith, rodsmith@rodsbooks.com. Last Web page update: 10/18/2015, referencing FixParts version 1.0.1. I'm a technical writer and consultant. Obtaining GPT fdisk by Rod Smith, rodsmith@rodsbooks.com. Last Web page update: 7/6/2018, GPT fdisk version 1.0.4. This Web page, and the associated software El siguiente paso ser el de entrar a la p gina web de Ubuntu o cualquier otra distribuci n, elegir la versi n y descargar el archivo. Esistono ragioni che rendon -per certuni- l'utilizzo di un disco GPT preferibile all'utilizzazione di un disco MBR (di un disco normale , detta in soldoni) Some of these UNDOCUMENTED MS-DOS commands might save your computing life one day, as they have saved mine. I will post here new DOS secrets every